Price-lists import
To RMS catalog, you can import the materials and their prices from text files published e.g. by SEKOCENBUD. Import can be done in the window RMS (opened from the window Calculation) by selecting in menu: Catalog > Import. Materials import:The format adopted for pricing of materials compatible with the format SEKOCENBUD pricing. An example line from a file:
6333220040Pipe fi 32 mm 80.00The first 7 characters is the index of the material, the next 3 is the record number of material units. Another 42 places are allocated on the name of the material (if the name is shorter, the remaining space is filled spaces). The next seven places is for the whole of the price (in this example is 80). This is followed by a comma (or period) and the hundredth part of the money or the amount of cents.
Equipment import:
The format adopted for pricing of materials compatible with the format SEKOCENBUD pricing. An example line from a file:
11161Digger 52.00The first five characters is the index of the equipment. Another 30 seats are reserved for the name of the equipment (if the name is shorter, the remaining space is filled spaces). The next 6 places is for the whole of the price (in this example is 52). This is followed by a comma (or period) and the hundredth part of the money or the amount of cents.