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Calculation settings - main

Checking Save calculation parameters with KRE file option allow to save calculation parameters (eg, mark-ups, rates, etc.) in your KRE file (thereby, in which the pipeline project is saved). This option is especially useful when there is a need to do with the many calculations (calculation files) one global calculation. Then the parameters are ignored in calculation individual files and taken into account only those stored in a file KRE.
If this option is not selected parameters estimate will only be saved in a file with the calculation.

If calculation are more open and you need to generate separate printouts for each of the calculations then need to select Print only active tab.

Calculation kind value can be used in print templates by using @_ko_calc_kind variable. Such a possibility can be useful when a one calculation print template is used to print different types of calculations (eg, investor, bid). The contents of the list can be modified in the Configuration > Most-used values.

Template field specifies under which template will be generated the caculation. How to create a file with a template has been described in the topic Calculation template.

Field RMS Catalog indicates that the file which will download the prices of ingredients set of calculation.

Pressing ... opens the file dialog. However abc button opens a file for editing.