There is a list of variables you can use in Drafter. Especially, in work with templates.User data
@_company_name - company name
@_company_place - place/street
@_company_zip_code - zip code
@_company_post - post office
@_company_phone - phone number
@_company_fax - fax
@_company_mail - e-mail
@_company_www - www address
@_company_user1 - user data
@_company_user2 - user data
@_company_user3 - user data
Project data
@_investor - investor
@_investor_place - address: city / street
@_investor_zip_code - address: postal code
@_investor_post - address: post office
@_object - object
@_investment - investment
@_investment_place - city / street
@_investment_commune - community
@_investment_zip_code - postal code
@_investment_post - post office
@_investment_allotment_no - allotment number
@_project_type - trade
@_project_oder_no - order number
@_project_date - date
@_user1 - user data
@_user2 - user data
@_user3 - user data
Calculation data
@_k_investor - investor
@_k_investor_place - address: city / street
@_k_investor_zip_code - address: postal code
@_k_investor_post - address: post office
@_k_object - object
@_k_investment - investment
@_k_investment_place - city / street
@_k_investment_zip_code - postal code
@_k_investment_post - post office
@_k_investment_commune - community
@_k_investment_allotment_no - allotment number
@_k_project_type - trade
@_k_project_oder_no - order number
@_k_project_date - date
@_k_user1 - user data
@_k_user2 - user data
@_k_user3 - user data
Adding at the end of the variable ' (apostrophe) character its value is retrieved from the data contained in the calculation. Conversely, if you select Save calculation parameters with KRE file as the value of the variable will be inserted into the similar, the data retrieved from the project.
People taking part in the creation of documentation (max. 9)
@_designer_name_1 .. @_designer_name_9 - names
@_designer_offic1 .. @_designer_offic9 - job titles
@_designer_right1 .. @_designer_right9 - right number
@_designer_speci1 .. @_designer_speci9 - specialty
Current profile statistics
@_stat_volume_excavation - volume of excavation
@_stat_volume_sidefill - volume of sidefill
@_stat_volume_embankment - volume of enbankment
@_stat_volume_bedding - volume of bedding
@_stat_volume_to_exchange - volume to exchange
@_stat_area - turf area
@_stat_walls_area - side walls area
@_stat_depth_max - max. depth
@_stat_depth_min - min. depth
@_stat_slope_max - max. slope
@_stat_slope_min - min. slope
@_stat_stat_length - profile length
@_stat_sections_quantity - number of sections in the profile
@_stat_section_max - length of the longest section in the profile
Total profiles statistics
@_stat_avolume_excavation - volume of excavation
@_stat_avolume_sidefill - volume of sidefill
@_stat_avolume_embankment - volume of enbankment
@_stat_avolume_bedding - volume of bedding
@_stat_avolume_to_exchange - volume to exchange
@_stat_aarea - turf area
@_stat_awalls_area - side walls area
@_stat_adepth_max - max. depth
@_stat_adepth_min - min. depth
@_stat_aslope_max - max. slope
@_stat_aslope_min - min. slope
@_stat_alength - profile length
@_stat_asections_quantity - number of sections in the profile
@_stat_asection_max - length of the longest section in the profile
@_stat_tank_excavation_volume - volume of excavation for the septic tanks occurring in the profile
@_stat_joins_amount - joins amount to existing pipelines
@_stat_wall_quantity - amount of break through the wall of the pipeline route
@_stat_yield_surplus_disposal_quantity - quantity of exports of surplus excavated material
@_stat_pumpstation_quantity - number of pumping stations in the profile
@_stat_acrossings_count - crossings count
@_pumpstation_exists - if the profile is pumping a variable returns the value 1 (otherwise 0)
Excavation cross-section
@_trench_bedding_height - bedding layer height
@_trench_sidefill_height - sidefill layer height
Water treatment plant
@_o_filter_width - vertical sandfilter width
@_o_filter_length - vertical sandfilter length
@_o_filter_area - vertical sandfilter area
@_o_drain_trench_quantity - drainage trench quantity
@_o_drain_trench_length - drainage trench length
@_o_drain_field_quantity - drainage fields quantity
@_o_drain_length - drainage total length
@_o_gravel_volume - amount of gravel below drainage [m3]
@_o_sand_volume - amount of sand below drainage [m3]
@_o_geotextile_length - geotextile length
@_o_septic_tanks_volume - septic tanks volume
@_o_septic_tank - septic tank type
@_o_separator - separator type
@_o_vent_length - underground vetilation length
@_o_pumpstation_distance - electric wire to pumping station length
@_ventilation_wall_inside - if vertical ventilation pipe is on inner side of the wall then variable value is set to 1 (otherwise is set to 0)
@_ventilation_wall_outside - if vertical ventilation pipe is on outer side of the wall then variable value is set to 1 (otherwise is set to 0)
@_ventilation_mast - if vertical ventilation pipe is on mast then variable value is set to 1 (otherwise is set to 0)
Material specfication for current profile
<_MAT> - beginning of the line with the following variables
@_tm_name - material name
@_tm_quantity - quantity
@_tm_unit - unit
@_tm_node - node name (only for manholes)
@_tm_cat_no - catalog index
@_tm_producer - producer's name
Material specfication for all profiles
<_AMAT> - beginning of the line with the following variables
@_tm_aname - material name
@_tm_aquantity - quantity
@_tm_aunit - unit
@_tm_anode - node name (only for manholes)
@_tm_acat_no - catalog index
@_tm_aproducer - producer's name
Data table
<_DAN> - beginning of the line with the following variables
@_td_ground_level - ground level (optionally: @_td_ground_level_l or @_td_ground_level_r for ordinate from the left side or right side of the node)
@_td_max_ground_level - max. ground level in node
@_td_ground_level_proj - projected ground level in node
@_td_pipe_level - invert level (bottom or axis) depending on the settings
@_td_pipe_bottom_level - invert level regardless of the settings
@_td_pipe_level_mode - depending on the settings replaced with the word "bottom" or "axis"
@_td_line1 - ordinate of additional line
@_td_line2 - ordinate of additional line 2
@_td_bottom_level - manhole bottom ordinate in given node
@_td_bottom_levels - ordinates all the pipes reaching the node are separated by a _ character
@_td_depth - pipe depth
@_td_flow_from_section_as_node - flow from the node (variable only to describe the node)
@_td_flow_from_section_as_sec - flow from the section (variable only to describe the section)
@_td_summary_flow_as_node - summary flow in the node (variable only to describe the node)
@_td_summary_flow_as_sec - summary flow in the section (variable only to describe the section)
@_td_slope_unit - slope unit
@_td_slope - slope
@_td_slope_terrain - slope of terrain line between neighbouring nodes
@_td_slope_terrain_proj - slope of projected terrain line between neighbouring nodes
@_td_material - material
@_td_diameter - diameter [mm]
@_td_diameter_m - diameter [m]
@_td_pipe_wall_thickness - pipe's wall thickness [mm] (available when diameter exists in pipe system added to project)
@_td_pipe_wall_class - pipe's class
@_td_pipe_wall_sdr - pipe's sdr parameter
@_td_pipe_wall_sn - pipe's sn parameter
@_td_pipe_pn - pipe nominal pressure
@_td_length - section length
@_td_chainage - chainage
@_td_object - object
@_td_comment - comment
@_td_node - node
@_td_angle - refraction angle in the node
@_td_coord_x - X (horizontal) coordinate of the node
@_td_coord_y - Y (vertical) coordinate of the node
@_td_width - trench width
@_td_embankment - embankment volume
@_td_volume_to_exchange - excavation volume to exchange
@_td_bend_radius - bend radius
<_KOL> - beginning of the line with the following variables
@_tk_medium - medium name
@_tk_diameter - crossing diameter
@_tk_pipe_bottom_level - crossing bottom ordinate
@_tk_comment - crossing description
@_tk_node - chosen node
@_tk_distance_from_node - distance from the crossing of the chosen node
@_tk_distance_from_begin - distance from the crossing to begin
@_tk_h - vertical distance from the pipe to crossing
@_tk_depth - crossing depth
@_tk_color - color of the medium type assigned to crossing
@_tk_is_to_remove|'True'|'False' - text set by user (between '', instead True and False) if crosssing is marked as "to remove"
@_tk_is_projected|'True'|'False' - text set by user (between '', instead True and False) if crosssing is marked as projected
Sleeve protecting tubes
<_OSL> - beginning of the line with the following variables
@_to_diameter - sleeve protecting tube diameter
@_to_material - sleeve protecting tube material
@_to_length - length
@_to_comment - description
@_to_node - chosen node
@_to_node_distance - distance from the sleeve protecting tube beginning of the chosen node
@_to_type - pipe type (from „Kind” column of editor)
<_SUMP> - beginning of the line with the following variables
@_ts_node - name of the node with the manhole
@_ts_producer - producer's name
@_ts_kind - manhole type
@_ts_name - manhole name
@_ts_description - description
@_ts_diameter - diameter of the manhole [m]
@_ts_cover_diameter - cover diameter [m]
@_ts_wall_thickness - wall thickness [mm]
@_ts_height - height [m]
@_ts_cover_height - cover height [m]
@_ts_cone_height - cone height [m]
@_ts_extension_height - extension height [m]
@_ts_extension_count - extension count [szt.]
@_ts_inlets - inlets’ ordinates separated by coma [m AOD]
@_ts_bottom_ordinate - bottom ordinate [m AOD]
@_t_no - sequence number in the tables
@_data - current date
@_compare_level - compare level
@_profile_name - profile name
@_crosssection_name - cross-section name
@_drawing_name - name of the generated figure (profile or cross-section)
@_drawing_number - number of the generated drawing
@_ska - scale of drawing described as „1: y/x”
@_scale_x - horizontal scale drawing (X)
@_scale_y - vertical scale drawing (Y)
@_ko_calc_kind - calculation type chosen in "Calculation parameters" window
<_CALCULATION> - beginning of the line with the following variables
<_ELEMENT> - beginning of the line with the following variables
<_POSITION> - beginning of the line with the following variables
<_MATERIAL> - beginning of the line with the following variables
@_ko_[option]w_netto - net worth with mark-ups
@_ko_[option]w_vat - value of the vat tax
@_ko_[option]w_brutto - gr value with mark-ups
@_ko_[option]w_nettor - net worth of the labor (without mark-ups)
@_ko_[option]w_nettom - net worth of the materials (without mark-ups)
@_ko_[option]w_nettos - net worth of the equipment (without mark-ups)
@_ko_[option]w_skpr - value of the indirect costs of labor
@_ko_[option]w_skzm - value of the indirect costs of materials
@_ko_[option]w_skps - value of the indirect costs of equipment
@_ko_[option]w_skp - value of the indirect costs
@_ko_[option]w_szkpr - value of profits from the indirect costs of labor
@_ko_[option]w_szkzm - value of profits from the indirect costs of materials
@_ko_[option]w_szkps - value of profits from the indirect costs of equipment
@_ko_[option]w_szr - value of profits from the labor
@_ko_[option]w_szm - value of profits from the materials
@_ko_[option]w_szs - value of profits from the equipment
@_ko_[option]w_sz - value of profits
@_ko_[option]w_net_narzr - net worth of the labor (with mark-ups)
@_ko_[option]w_net_narzm - net worth of the materials (with mark-ups)
@_ko_[option]w_net_narzs - net worth of the equipment (with mark-ups)
@_ko_[option]w_brutto_narzr - gr worth of the labor (with mark-ups)
@_ko_[option]w_brutto_narzm - gr worth of the materials (with mark-ups)
@_ko_[option]w_brutto_narzs - gr worth of the equipment (with mark-ups)
[option] can take values:
calc_ - values refer to the calculation
element_ - values refer to the calculation elements
position_ - values refer to the calculation positions
e.g.: variable @_ko_element_w_netto will be converted into calculation element worth netto with mark-ups
@_[option]n_vat - VAT rate
@_[option]n_kpr - value of the indirect costs of labor [%]
@_[option]n_kzm - value of the indirect costs of materials [%]
@_[option]n_kps - value of the indirect costs of equipment [%]
@_[option]n_zr - value of profits from the labor [%]
@_[option]n_zm - value of profits from the materials [%]
@_[option]n_zs - value of profits from the equipment [%]
@_[option]n_zkpr - value of profits from the indirect costs of labor [%]
@_[option]n_zkzm - value of profits from the indirect costs of materials [%]
@_[option]n_zkps - value of profits from the indirect costs of equipment [%]
[option] can take values:
calc_ - values refer to the calculation
element_ - values refer to the calculation elements
@_ko_catalogs - KNR list used in calculation
@_ko_element_table_no - element number
@_ko_element_table_description - elementu name
@_ko_calc_no - calculation number
@_ko_calc_no_all - absolute calculation number
@_ko_calc_n_jobrate - calculation job rate
@_ko_calc_kind - calculation type
@_ko_element_no - element number (numbering starts from the beginning of each calculation)
@_ko_element_no_all - absolute element number (numbered from the beginning of a calculation)
@_ko_element_description - element name
@_ko_element_quantity - multiplicity of the element
@_ko_position_description - name of the calculation position
@_ko_position_catalog_name - KNR name
@_ko_position_catalog - KNR name and number
@_ko_position_specification_link - Refer to the chapter in the technical specifications, which are described in works included in the item
@_ko_position_quantity - The number of calculation units of an item
@_ko_position_unit - position unit as number (e.g. 20)
@_ko_position_unit3 - position unit as three digit number with leading zeros (e.g. 020)
@_ko_position_unit_txt - position unit expressed as text (e.g. pc)
@_ko_position_par1 - additional parameter of calculation position
@_ko_position_w_netto_1 - the net unit value of position
@_ko_position_no - position number (numbering starts from the beginning of each element)
@_ko_position_no_all - absolute position number (numbered from the beginning of a calculation)
RMS specification
@_rms_material_no_[option] - sequence number of component
@_rms_material_number_[option] - component index
@_rms_material_description_[option] - name
@_rms_material_unit_[option] - unit
@_rms_material_quantity_[option] - quantity
@_rms_material_netto_[option] - net price (without mark-ups)
@_rms_material_w_netto_[option] - net worth (without mark-ups)
[option] can take values:
r - for labor specification,
m - for material specification,
s - for equipment specification,
Lines that begin with "/ /" are not included in the resulting document
Current version:4.10