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Object's definitions - tanks

For objects in the shape of the tank ie septic tanks, sewage treatment plants, grease separators, filters and tanks used for storage of liquid gas can be determined:
  • Volume [m3],
  • Width/diameter [m] - if the tank is "projected" circle then the length should enter 0 (zero),
  • Length - L [m], - if value isn't set tank's width will be its diameter, that means will be rounded in top view,
  • Height - H [m],
  • Inlet's bottom height - H1 [m],
  • Outlet's bottom height - H2 [m],
  • Inlet/outlet diameter - s [mm],
  • Cover 1/2: width/diameter [m] - if cover shape is circle, then length value must be zero,
  • Cover 1/2: length - d1/d2 [m],
  • Cover 1: dist. from left l1 [m],
  • Cover 1/2: manhole height - Hk [m],
  • Cover 1/2: Extension shaft height - Hn [m] - if value is set to 0 (zero) then program choose one extension shaft,
  • Cover 1/2: Extension shaft max. count [pcs] - maximal, accepted by producer, extension shaft quantity. If value isn't set by user then Drafter will choose appropriate quantity to reach ground level,
  • Cover 2: distance from left side - l2 [m],
  • The radius of rounding upper corners - r1/r2 [m] - notation "x/y" is also accepted, where "x" means radius of the left one, and "y" - the right corner,
  • The radius of rounding bottom corners - r3 [m],
  • With filter - checking this option determine to draw filter before tank's outlet
  • Base: width/diameter [m] - if value isn't set Drafter assumes value equal to tank's width
  • Base: length - F [m] - if value isn't set Drafter assumes value equal to its diameter
  • Base: height - b [m] - base is drawing if its height is above zero.
  • Pillar 1: distance from left - f1 [m]
  • Pillar 1: length - e1 [m]
  • Pillar 2: distance from right - f2 [m]
  • Pillar 2: length - e2 [m]
  • Pillars: height - h [m]
  • Wall thickness [mm] - wall thickness of the tank
  • Partition 1/2: distance from the left - g [m] - distance from the left tank edge to the vertical inner partition
  • Partition 1/2: height - H-Hk [m] - height of partition in meters. Value 0 (zero) will cause drawing the partition for the whole tank height. Height different from zero will cause drawing a partial partition. In case of positive value - starting from the tank bottom or negative - starting from its top.