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Pipe systems in Drafter

Adding pipe system to project allows on (if diameter in Data table given by user exists in pipe system):

  • automatically assigning to pipe additional parameters, among other: material, wall thickness, class etc.
  • automatically upgrade material's name and pipe description in Data table (coloring by pipe system color), which are assigned to pipe system,
    Sample data
  • place on longitudinal section drawing additional inormations about pipe, eg. wall thickness,
    Pipe description
  • "trading" pipes split in material list (mainly sewers). Splitting is allow to turn off on Other tab of Settings window.
    Material list

Adding pipe system to the project is not obligatory.

To add pipe system to the project click on Button: pipe systems button on Data tab or choose in menu: Tools > Pipe system.

Okno typoszeregów

In Pipe system window user can use pipe system attached to Drafter (due to changes in producers' assortment is not guaranteed, that pipe systems attached to Drafter are actual) or add own. The easiest way to add own is modifying exists one and save it with new file name.

Parametry typoszeregu rur

One from chosen pipe system may be mark as default. It's mean, if in the new node user type pipe diameter, that exists in the default pipe system, this pipe parameters will be joined with default pipe system parameters. After change default pipe system all pipe data are automatically updated.

If diameter from node exists in more than one added pipe systems indicate proper pipe system in Pipe column in the Datatable.

For each pipe system is allow to set:

  • class,
  • SDR (Standard dimension ratio),
  • SN (Nominal stiffness),
  • PN (Nominal pressure),
  • MOP (Max. operating pressure),
  • roughness,
  • target medium, it's mean medium which pipe is for,
  • diameters,
  • walls thickness,
  • trading lenght (for pipes sell in rolls set zero),
  • catalog indexes,
Four last items are modifying in Pipes parameters window. Both of whole table and each columns may be prepared eg. spreadsheet and paste to Drafter. Pipes parameters