:: Homepage > Manual > Sections data > Network creating rules


Principles for creating a network scheme

The Drafter automatically creates a network scheme drawing. If a project consists of many profiles, nodes with identical names are connected (the program is not case-sensitive). To achieve a correct linking, the following rules must be followed:
  • The main profile (e.g. network) should be placed in the project before shorter profiles (e.g. connections) that will be connected to it.

    If the shape of the network scheme differs from that expected, you can manually indicate main profile by right-clicking on the profile name and selecting Mark as main.

  • The profiles that are to be connected must be of the same type. The Type is specified in the Panel
  • The node that will be used to connect a profile to the network should be an extreme one (the first or the last)
The angle at which the profile is to be connected to the network must be entered in the Angle column of the Data table. By changing the sign to minus "-" you can get a connection from the other side of the network. There is a possibility of automatic shortening of too long sections in a schematic. The length above which the sections will be shortened may be defined in the Settings window, in the Parameters section.